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Our first ever Women’s Conference, REVIVE, in June 2023 was a huge success. God was in the house reading people’s mail and ministering deeply to every woman present. 


2024 sees us hosting our RADIANT conference and we would love to have you attend!


The word “radiant” in the original Hebrew means to shine, sparkle, beam, or burn.

It is our goal to see Jesus exalted and for every woman to “arise and shine", burning passionately for Him and spreading the good news of Jesus wherever they go. 


The hope is as we return to our cities, towns, and neighbourhoods at the end of RADIANT, we would continue to tell the story of Christ's extravagant love and grace towards us; a love which has removed our shame resulting in us being “radiant with joy” (Psalm 34:5). 


This conference is being hosted by "Daughters" (the women’s ministry team from The Village Church) and New Covenant Ministries International (NCMI).



"Those who look to Him are Radiant with joy.."


We are excited to let you know that our speaker will be Christine Nicotra.


Wife, mother, nonna, leader, speaker. Born in Sri Lanka and arrived in Australia when she was 14. She is a mum of 4 boys and 1 princess and has been married for 31 years to her husband Leo. Leo and Christine are Lead Elders of Glorious Gospel Church (GGC) Sydney, which they pioneered 33 years ago.


She is recognised as a preacher, teacher and prophet who loves to equip women to hear the voice of God and walk in the fullness of their God-given identity, calling, purpose and potential. She is known for her joy and genuine love for people and she lives to see nations won to Jesus.


Some of the areas she loves to teach into would be: Marriage, Work-life balance, Raising Godly kids, Finding your voice, Discovering your calling.



Registrations are open until 1st June.


$80 - Adults

$65 - Seniors/Community card holders

$65 - Student 

$45 - Teens (13-17 Years)

Available from 3rd May-17th May

$20 - Friday Only (no gift bag)

$60 - Saturday Only



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