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Working Bee



Horsham Downs

It’s time for the Annual Church Working Bee! Come for an hour or stay the whole morning, the church buildings and surrounds are in need of some tidying up, and many hands make light work. Something for everyone to do, from water blasting to interior window cleaning, to baking scones for morning tea.

Registration is closed
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Working Bee
Working Bee


2024年3月16日 08:30 – 12:30

Horsham Downs, 10 Martin Lane, Horsham Downs 3281, New Zealand


电话: +64 7 829 4998
电子邮件: 办公室@thevilla新西兰教会网 

教会办公室的开放时间为 周一至周四上午 9 点至下午 4 点

霍舍姆唐斯马丁巷 10 号

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