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CAP Money Course



Horsham Downs

Learn to spend, budget and save so you reach your goals faster. When you use CAP Money principles your money goes further. It’s almost like getting a pay rise! Three 90-minute sessions is all it takes and the course is completely free.

CAP Money Course
CAP Money Course


尚有 2 個日期

2025年3月11日 19:00 – 20:30

Horsham Downs, 10 Martin Lane, Horsham Downs 3281, New Zealand


电话: +64 7 829 4998
电子邮件: 办公室@thevilla新西兰教会网 

教会办公室的开放时间为 周一至周四上午 9 点至下午 4 点

霍舍姆唐斯马丁巷 10 号

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